Beredskapsplan for rullebaneforsinkelse
Scandinavian Airlines System’s Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays describes what SAS will implement during a lengthy tarmac delay.
SAS’s goal is to make every flight a safe and pleasant experience for our customers. SAS’s Plan will be activated during times when customers on these flights are experiencing tarmac irregular operations involving a lengthy tarmac delay. In most cases the cause of lengthy tarmac delays is outside of SAS’s reasonable control (e.g., weather events, inefficiencies of today’s air traffic control (ATC) systems, government operating restrictions, and airport construction projects). There also may be times when unanticipated flights delays may occur due to airline operations, but no matter what the cause, SAS commits to implement measures under this Plan.
Tarmac delays: Summary
Consistent with DOT regulations, SAS’s Plan covers all SAS scheduled and public charter flights operated to and from the US With respect to SAS codeshare flights operated by another carrier that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport, the tarmac delay contingency plan of the operating carrier governs as provided for in SAS’s Conditions of Carriage.
This SAS Plan is adopted for all scheduled and public charter flights operated to and from the United States.
For all flights covered by this Plan that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport, SAS will not permit an aircraft to remain on the tarmac at a U.S. airport for more than four hours before allowing passengers to deplane, unless: (i) The pilot-in-command determines there is a safety-related or security-related reason why the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane passengers; or (ii) Air traffic control advises the pilot-in-command that returning to a gate or another disembarkation point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations.
For all flights covered by this Plan, SAS will provide adequate food and potable water no later than two hours after the aircraft leaves the gate (in the case of departure) or touches down (in the case of arrival) if the aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the pi-lot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.
For all flights covered by this Plan, SAS will provide operable lavatory facilities, as well as adequate medical attention if needed, while the aircraft remains on the tarmac.For all flights covered by this Plan, SAS will ensure that passengers on the delayed flight receive notification regarding the status of the delay every 30 minutes while the aircraft is delayed, including the reasons for the tarmac delay, if known.
For all flights covered by this Plan, SAS will notify passengers on the delayed flight beginning 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time (including any revised departure time that passengers were notified about before boarding), and every 30 minutes thereafter, that they have the opportunity to deplane from the aircraft if it is at the departure gate or at another disembarkation area with the door open if the opportunity to deplane actually exists.
SAS has sufficient resources to implement this Plan, when necessary.
SAS has coordinated this Plan with airport authorities (including terminal facilities operators, where applicable) at all U.S. airports that SAS serves, including regular U.S. diversion airports.
SAS has coordinated this Plan with U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at each U.S. airport that SAS serves regularly, including regular U.S. diversion airports.
I samsvar med Canadian Transport Agencys reguleringer dekker SAS’ plan alle SAS-oppsatte og offentlige charterreiser betjent til og fra Canada. Med hensyn til SAS’ codeshareflyvninger betjent av en annen transportør som har avgang fra eller ankomst til en kanadisk flyplass, skal den utførende transportørens beredskapsplan for rullebaneforsinkelser være styrende som gitt i SAS’ regler og vilkår.
SAS vil ikke tillate et fly å forbli på rullebanen ved en kanadisk flyplass i mer enn tre timer (eller 3 timer og 45 minutter hvis avgangen er nært forestående) før de tillater passasjerer og gå fra borde, med mindre: (i) det er umulig å gå fra borde, herunder av årsaker relatert til situasjoner utenfor kontrollen til den betjenende transportøren (så som, men ikke begrenset til, trygghets- og sikkerhetsårsaker, flygeleder- eller tollkontroll).
Under en rullebaneforsinkelse vil SAS gi passasjerer følgende, med mindre det er umulig av årsaker relatert til situasjoner utenfor vår kontroll (så som, men ikke begrenset til, trygghet og sikkerhet eller flygeleder- eller tollkontroll):
Tilgang til fungerende toalettfasiliteter.
God ventilasjon og avkjøling eller oppvarming av flyet.
Mat og drikke, i rimelige mengder, der det tas hensyn til lengden på forsinkelsen, tidspunktet på dagen og plasseringen av flyplassen.
Mulighet til å kommunisere med personer utenfor flyet, hvis gjennomførbart; og
Om nødvendig vil SAS også sikre at tilstrekkelig medisinsk hjelp er tilgjengelig.
Under en rullebaneforsinkelse vil passasjerer motta varsler hvert 30. minutt angående status for rullebaneforsinkelsen. Den utførende transportøren vil også dele informasjon om årsaken for forsinkelsen, hvis kjent. Under lange rullebaneforsinkelser vil piloten gjøre sitt beste for å gi passasjerer oppdatert informasjon og sikre at rullebaneforsinkelsen blir så kort som mulig ved å koordinere med involverte parter.